2 months and growing!
Growing and growing and growing. Max is officially in 3-6months clothing now. Shirts and Jammies that fit him last week and too small this week. That is so crazy. I couldn't believe that his jammies were too small..it happend so fast. It kind of made me sad and I would have been more sad except the new things he has learned are so cute to watch that it made up for it. He has found his hands and loves to suck on them. In the morning I can hear his little slurp sounds. He is grabing for and swatting his toys and his little arms and legs dance when he is excited. I love how in the morning he will cry until he sees me (or maybe the bottle) and then instantly breaks into the biggest grin. He definitely recognizes Mike and I and that is the best feeling in the world. He has found his tongue and loves to stick it out and lick things. And I LOVE how much he jabbers now. He has found his voice and talks so loud. He will tell Mike and I the longest stories. Like mother like son. Mike may never ever get another peaceful sporting event! And like father like son..Max seriously watches TV with Mike. I came downstairs the other night and there the two of them sat glued to the TV. It was so hilrious I had to take a picture. Apperantly its already time to invest in some educational DVD's. And finally one of the nicest things about him growing is how much better he sleeps! He is just so happy and content. Even when his eyes and eye brows are so red because he is so sleepy he still smiles.
I can't wait to see whats next..and in the meantime we are enjoying every moment.
I can't wait to see whats next..and in the meantime we are enjoying every moment.
At December 9, 2008 at 8:56 PM ,
Campbell Clan said...
OK...the picture of the boys watching tv is the cutest stinkin' picture! I love how Max is just sitting up in his boppy like a big boy!
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