The lil Libra
Anywho as of yesterday our little man is officially going to be a Libra. I found some fun tid bits about Libra babies on the net and thought I would share. Just for fun!!!!
The Libra Child
September 23 - October 22
Symbol: The Balances
Ruling Planet: Venus
Birthstone: Opal
Flower: Cosmos
Color: Yellow
Compatibility: Aries, Leo
As Children: Libra kids love beauty, colors, music, and the arts. If not talented in the arts, Libras will deeply appreciate them. Libras often are very sympathetic and good at using tact. They are good listeners, too. Libra children have amazing intuition and learn best from experience. These children are handsome or beautiful, as if their innate souls find expression in the physical. Give Libra kids artistic surroundings and an education in the arts. Teach them the law of cause and effect, that all life has interrelationship; this is the lesson of the Balances, as symbolized by the Sign of Libra.
Later in Life: Libras love justice. They are sensitive individuals and like to be shielded from the unhappy side of life.
Famous Libras: John Adams, 2nd US President: Oct. 19; Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister: Oct. 13; Jesse Jackson, civil rights leader: Oct. 8; Barbara Walters, journalist: Sept. 25
Personality key: Aesthetic, decorative, loving, co-operative, harmonious, fair, sociable and likes equality.
Parent power: It is a mistake to think that the unassuming Baby Libra can be pushed around.
The Libra baby is sweet and charming. This baby does not actively seek to be in the spotlight but will find herself the centre of attention wherever she goes. The Libra baby is even-tempered and draws people to her by her charming disposition. She loves to be around others and parents will often find her mediating disputes. This is because diplomacy and tactfulness are characteristic Libran traits.
The Libra baby can be very picky about her appearance. This baby wants new clothes and hand-me-downs will be frowned upon. To keep her comfortable, clean, pressed clothes and a fancy room are necessary. The Libra baby is not above using her charms to manipulate people to ensure she gets her own way. By and large, the baby is very easygoing and will enjoy interacting with others.
At October 5, 2008 at 3:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Trina - I was thinking about you today and had to check the blog. I know you wanted to deliver a little early, but you know, in my opinion the longer he's in the belly the more healthy he'll be. Granted, there is a line to be drawn at which it becomes necessary for him to leave.
I love little Max's room! Thanks for sharing.
He's coming soon and you guys are in my thoughts.
Here's a great big heart-felt hug and kiss for ya'll...OOOXXX
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