The love of our life has arrived...and he is PERFECT! Maximilian Ovaness Baghoomian
After 16 hours of incrediblily long of the labor ....October 7, 2008 at 10:47pm Mike and I welcomed Maximilian Ovaness Baghoomian into the world. Our baby boy was a family record setter weighing a wopping 9lbs 2oz, 20 1/2"long, lots of dark hair and super long eyelashes. We are so grateful he is healthy and the most perfect thing Mike and I have ever seen. There isn't enough words to describe how ridiculously in love Mike and I are. My Doctor said he was going to be big I repeatedly prayed I wouldn't have an 8lb baby. As my mom put it "well God didn't give you an 8lb baby did he?...maybe next time you should be more specific." lol. He was the biggest baby in the nursery! But we love every juicy little inch of our lil guy! He has the biggest feet and hands you have ever seen on a newborn. Not one of his newborn outfits will fit...he is so damn cute. Our friend Kristie brought her 1month old baby (Max's future Wife) to visit us in the hospital. Max is thicker than she is and she has 4 weeks on him! You can see them side by side in the slide show..its pretty cute! Mike and I had no idea this kind of love existed...we just can't stop staring. We have never felt so complete in our lives!
Welcome Baby Max...mommy and daddy love you!!!
Welcome Baby Max...mommy and daddy love you!!!
At October 10, 2008 at 9:44 AM ,
Anonymous said...
what great photos! i'm so glad he's finally here. he's beautiful. can't wait to see him (and you) again.
At October 10, 2008 at 10:49 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh yay! He looks so healthy and beautiful! Congratulations! Give him a big kiss from me.
At October 12, 2008 at 8:34 AM ,
julie said...
He is just perfect!
At October 14, 2008 at 2:36 PM ,
Brook Crowe said...
Oh! He is so cute! Congratulations! Jake is excited about a new friend.
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