7 days old
Andwhat a 7 days it has been. This has been the best and scariest week of mine and Mike's life. 2 days after we brought Max home we had to admit him into Primary Childrens Hospital. His Billie levels (Jaundice) were high and he was dehydrated. The staff at PCH were so amazing...they took every precaution and ran every test just to make sure. It was so comforting to be in such good hands. For 2 days Mike, myself and a few family members camped out while our little one got all his fluids, spent some time getting his tan on, and getting back to his cute little self. It was very eye opening to be around so many sick babies. I can tell you it made Mike and I so gratful our little boy is healthy. We are so blessed. It makes you feel really blessed and puts things into perspective be quickly. It really lets you know what is truly the most important. Max is our world. Mike enjoyed each shift change so a new nurse could comment on how much Max looks like his daddy..Mike loves that! Max is doing so well and we are so glad to be back home. He is eating and peeing like a champ! In Fact he has managed to pee all over mommy and Grandma Helion. We love him more and more each day. We hope you enjoy this weeks photos!!
At October 15, 2008 at 2:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hello this is your long lost cousin Tiffany. I hope it's ok that I checked out your blogspot.
Your dad gave it to my mom and then she passed it on to me. I was so excited to hear that you had a baby! WOW, HE IS SO ADORABLE! I love his name and his room, so cute. Your face glows in the pictures with him. I got goosebumps. I hope all is well, it sounds like everything is going great. You have a beautiful family. You can e-mail me if you would like at: tiffjessewhitney@yahoo.com
With love,
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